The next step for older marchers 12 – 18 years. This grade is designed for a team of 10 marchers who march a set Technical Drill of 9-11 technical movements and a display of marching of own choice of movements to own choice of music.
Contact: Julia Allen
Ph: 0272972589
Email: allstarsmarchingteams@gmail.com
Training Ground: Central City
Contact - Tracy Webley
PH: 027 681 4891
Email: eclipseu16marching@gmail.com
Training Ground: Belfast in summer
Pioneers of Canterbury
Contact - Tracey Inglis
Ph: 0274960662
Email: tracey@inglis.net.nz
Training Ground: Tempeltion
Skellerup Royal Guards
Contact - Kylie Dowers
Ph: 021930434
Email: skelleruproyalguards@gmail.com
Training Ground - Queenspark School