Competitive marching for marchers aged 7-12 years. Designed for a team of 7-10 marchers, they march to a set Technical Drill of 7-9 technical movements and a display of own choice of movement to own choice of music.

We have the  following teams:

ALLSTARS - Needing new members
Contact: Julia Allen
Ph: 0272972589
Email: allstarsmarchingteams@gmail.com
Training Ground: Clarkville in winter & Tuahiwi in summer

ECLIPSE - Not currently recruiting
Contact - Tracy Webley
Training Ground: Waimairi School

PIONEERS OF CANTERBURY -Needing new members
Contact - Tracey Inglis
Ph: 0274960662
Email: tracey@inglis.net.nz
Training Ground: Spreydon/Hornby

SKELLERUP ROYAL KILTIES - Needing new members
Contact - Emma Penny
Ph: 0273937739
Email: skelleruproyalkilties@gmail.com
Training Ground - Queenspark School